Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Union with 'ME'!

I and 'ME'

Inseparable.. in a rhythm

Swaying to the music of the silence

Reveling in the unseen beauty

Singing the unsung songs

Wandering in the never trodden paths

Hand in hand,

Soul in soul,

Heart in heart,

I walked with my 'ME'!

How sweet the harmony we are in now!

When time become timeless

And we become ageless…

A life of minds

Of equality and mutuality

As winged souls flying to infinity together

All lights and music

Ecstasy and rapture

I and my 'ME'! ! !


suremad said...

heard of i get a tinge of it here???

Deliberately Thoughtless said...

@ Suresh
No you dont, Suresh.. I had someone in mind when I wrote that

Sriram vangal said...

"How sweet the harmony we are in now!

When time become timeless

And we become ageless…

A life of minds

Of equality and mutuality

As winged souls flying to infinity together

All lights and music

Ecstasy and rapture

I and my 'ME'! ! !"

That was lovely. Keep rocking girl.