I am an offspring of the seventies. A couple of years, and I will be embarking on the naughty forties! No, I am not lamenting. Actually I am excited. Can't wait to get naughty. Chronologically I am 30+(a big plus). Somebody told me I'll be middle-aged soon. Personally I think I have just lived a quarter of my life. So still time to cross that threshold. I live my life vicariously. I look 40 something, act 30 something, and live like 20 something. It is all in the mind. If you feel you are old, you ARE old.. If not, you are not.
Two score years ago, 50s were considered as well past middle age, and 60s getting really old. And 70s... oh my!! They were the oldest.. But now, 60 is the step stone to middle age.. till then you are young! 60 to 80 middleaged, and afer 80, you slowly start to get old.. I feel old age is always 25 years away from you.
Last month, I had a lunch with my professor. I was concentrating on the juicy beef when suddenly she exclaimed "I can't believe you people came out from the college 15 years ago". Oh man! That was an instant fill to my empty howling tummy. 15 years? I had thought that it was only 4 or 5 years since we left university. Now, that made me feel a bit.. a wee bit.. a teeny weeny bit.. old. It's really funny. When I was a teenager, I had really felt more matured. But after 30, I keep forgetting that I've left my twenties behind. Filling 0ut forms is always a little tricky. I have a hard time remembering and calculating how old I am! They should actually put two columns there... mental age and chronological. I bet no one would want to fill the chronological column.
Why should these numbers decide how we feel? It should be like Mark Twain said: "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
A heart that loves is always young!!!
Saritha a lovely thought! Maybe soon you will join our forty plus rocking group, which is meant for the people who refuse to feel old and try to go back to the childhood days!. When we were in the early 20s we often thought about people in mid thirties as buddas! But not any more...cos we crossed that and yet we are still in the teens! So Sarita keep thinking young and arrest your ageing process!
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
We turn not OLDER with years, but NEWER every day.
But what prompted this post? Arithmatic of age? Or was it the geometry of the body?
Either way, never mind.
There is a time in our lives when old means weak and unsteady. It is then implied that if only the fittest were to survive, old never exist.
We know that is not true either.
Since we started arithmatic and geometry, allow me to cling on to the jargon for a while more. There exists a more advanced branch of mathematics.It deals with "limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables".
It's called calculus.
Your adholescence, like your fingers, is good enough only for the arithmatic. Come twenties and your mind specializes in geometry.We grow "up" into calculus, begin differentiation.. and proudly move into advanced integration techniques.
It's called old age.
In a couple of years, if, as you say, you will step into the forties' fortress, I and many others shall be there at the gate to recieve you at the gate and welcome you to the chapter on integration.
who could this be, so thoughtlessly whispering in my ears, tickling all the nostalgia and storming my rottingly fourty-ful grey-cells?
No. No need for the numbers. You are as old as you feel.
Well, I believe in the old saying, NO ONE GROWS OLD. YOU BECOME OLD WHEN YOU STOP GROWING. Age is just a number. and it is all in our mind. And, by the way, no one stops you from being naughty now!
ps: I wish, the photograph has been a little longer. It is cut off at MCP.
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