Monday, March 3, 2008

Reating.. or.. Eading..?

I was not brought up in a "Everybody eat together at the table" home. The rule was if your stomach growls, have your food. I started to bury my nose deep into words while having food. Suited me fine.. I could gulp down all the crap that has been served to me. I could watch my diet pefectly. I never knew what I was eating. I could eat less and be full too! There was only one problem.. one single meal lasted for hours. The lifeless papers used to become alive in front of me. I used to lose myself in other people's mind. It was one of the great pleasures that solitude could afford me.

It was a nightmare when dad used to come on leave, and we had to eat together. Dad quibbling over table manners, Mom's complaints about the report cards, the correct posture, correct sound to make while chewing!!! And those vegetables which I was supposed to eat for my eyes, ears, nose, skin.. Phew! It was too much. No more books on the dining table. I had to talk. Holding intimate conversations with the invisible characters of a book and with the visible people sitting around me were beyond comparison.

But the lightning struck when I forgot to make sure that this habit is ok with the man I was going to marry. There even if your tummy grumbles, even if you are ready to swallow a horse, you wait till everyone come. When the food is served, you opened your mouth and talked while eating! Food started to have some flavour. My tastebuds started to work and told me which is which! Never knew chilly was spicy and tomotoes were sour.

Now when my children carry their food in one hand and a book in the other hand, I keeep quiet. But my gourmet hubby scowls. I exchange meaningful glances with my kids, and wait for my hubby to go back to office so that we can lose ourselves again in those imaginary places, with our invisible friends.


പാര്‍വണം.. said...

Good always..
keep it up...

Sriram vangal said...

The best place to interact with your kids is the Dining table Saritha. I used to curse my dad, when he used to tell us to read when you read, and eat when you eat. Now, that I am a dad, I endorse it. The kids have the whole day to read what they want. Why on the dining table, especially, when I am around. A bit of banter will be great.