It is only a couple of weeks for my vacation.. I am elated.. and started my preparations a couple of months ago.. No, its not shopping and clearing the kitchen.. but shedding a few pounds.. as usual. Every year, before I go home, I join some or other gym and try to trim down a few kilos. Same happened this time too.
I dusted my sneakers, put on my tights (it has really become tight now), took out my t-shirt, and went to my old gym. Now there is a Karate School in its place. The gym had been closed down for well over ten months, the receptionist told me with a Didn’t-you-know-it-still look. I came out with a disheartened heart, and went in search of nearby gyms. There is an exclusively-for-ladies in the corner. “Try that”, hubby said.
Happily, I went inside. Wow.. too many pretty ladies. All slim and trim. Now what are they doing here, I wondered.. All were busy running, jogging, walking, dancing with the dumb bells… (Dumb belles with dumb bells, I said aloud in my mind, and felt at peace). Everyday measurement and strict diet, the manager informed me. I gave her my sweetest smile, and walked out. What a bore with those femme fatales! Not my cup of tea. All they will have to talk will be about reduced shapes and sizes… I need the company of some male figures, I decided.
Actually I love my handles and tyres. If it wasn’t for those nosy pokies who will ask my mom if her daughter is expecting her third, I wouldn’t ever step inside a gym. But now I have to. In the end, fed up with my mutterings, hubby dear took me to the gym in his office towers. Ohhh… I got short of breath when I saw the instructor. Indeed a handsome fellow.. with a six pack. (That info has been whispered to me by my younger son, who is crazy about those packs). Yes, I will join here, I reported to my husband. He looked at me slyly. I could read his mind reading mine clearly. I just winked and smiled. I can make you lose your tyres, Ma’am, he said confidently. Ahh.. I just loved that.. You will have to walk, he said. No problem… You will have to use dumb bells.. Well, there is nothing wrong in that, right? Especially when such a sincere trainer tells me.. And diet is a must. Of course, of course.. I am game…
And thus.. the trial began… I walked, I ran, I panted... I crunched, I crept, I crawled… I stood, I sat, I fell down… And I limped back home hungrily. But when I think of the comments I’ll have to face when I went home, I quietly move back. How easy it is to put on a few pounds… But to lose it… ahhhhhhh…..