Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sleepless Whispers...

A date with midnight everyday is an ecstasy. Sleep and me were playing hide and seek right from my childhood. She hides and I seek. Persistently. Not even once she’s come seeking me. I still don’t understand why sleep always keeps a distance from me. Thoughts always prioritised. I dreamt lying awake. My mind begs my brain to stop thinking and allow me to sleep. But... it recollects all the stupid things I had done, and the foolish decisions I had taken and reminds my mind, and scorns. And the fight starts. Brain commands, Mind evades. Brain chides Mind cries. Brain scowls, Mind howls.

Going to bed is a nightmare. I lie down, and snuggle inside my blanket. My mind, then, slowly pops its head up, and starts to wander. Then it pokes my brain. And in a split second, my brain springs up... and starts teasing my mind. Yes, my mind has always been a fool. I had been lucky till late not to lose it altogether. But off late, I am not so sure. I would be counting the sheep, I would be singing to myself, I toss, I turn, I grumble, I mumble... 

Is it because I am awake in someone else’s dream that I am unable to sleep? I’ve read somewhere that if you can’t sleep, your soul mate can’t sleep either. So somewhere, someone also might be lying awake now? When and where can I meet you, my dearest soul mate? Are you out there somewhere, hiding from me? 1.00am monitors all my thoughts. 2.00 am knows all my secrets. 3.00 am gives me answers to most of my questions. 

And then leisurely, unhurriedly, sleep walks in. When it’s almost dawn.. like a punishment... leaving me with a heavy head, and a heavier heart....................